COX-4408 Pwn'ed within 48 hours | Devoxx

Pwn'ed within 48 hours


archisec Architecture, Performance and Security Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 2

Wednesday at 13:10 - 13:25

Never expose any services on the public internet without a security review! If you are running Tomcat servers, always hide and/or secure the manager UI.

Join this talk to see how Ray's Tomcat server was hacked within 48 hours since it was online that was running on a non-standard port. We'll take a look at the tools that the hackers deployed and what these tools can do.

Ray Tsang Ray Tsang

Ray is a Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform. Ray had extensive hands on cross-industry enterprise systems integration delivery and management experiences during his time at Accenture, managed full stack application development, DevOps, and ITOps. Ray specialized in middleware, big data, and PaaS products during his time at RedHat while contributing to open source projects, such as Infinispan. Aside from technology, Ray enjoys traveling and adventures.