PCA-5713 Why does Yesterday's Best Practice Become Tomorrow's Antipattern? | Devoxx

Why does Yesterday's Best Practice Become Tomorrow's Antipattern?


archisec Architecture, Performance and Security Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 1

Wednesday at 09:30 - 10:30

Modern software development exhibits a curious trend: Yesterday’s Best Practice Becomes Tomorrow’s Antipattern. Why? Haven’t we learned enough about software development to avoid this trap over and over? This keynote investigates why this trend continues, and offers some advice for escaping this vicious cycle.

Neal Ford Neal Ford

Neal Ford is Director, Software Architect, and Meme Wrangler at ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy with an exclusive focus on end-to-end software development and delivery. He is also the designer and developer of applications, magazine articles, video/DVD presentations, and author and/or editor of eight books spanning a variety of subjects and technologies, including the most recent Presentation Patterns and Functional Thinking. He focuses on designing and building of large-scale enterprise applications. He is also an internationally acclaimed speaker, speaking at over 300 developer conferences worldwide, delivering more than 2000 presentations. Check out his web site at nealford.com.