Ayushman Jain
From Microsoft
Ayush was a former committer in the Eclipse JDT project (the Java compiler and tools), and one of the early contributors to the PhoneGap (now Apache Cordova) and Android projects. He's currently a product manager on Visual Studio Team Services (formerly Visual Studio Online)
Blog: www.visualstudio.com

Tips & Tricks for a Java team
This session walks the audience through a few cool tips and tricks to modernize their application development and devops workflows. These include: 1. How agile teams keep everything connected - plans, code, builds and releases 2. On-demand workspaces in the cloud - a new way of collaborating on code 3. How to leverage the cloud for building and deploying your applications 4. Testing your mobile apps with real devices, without owning one 5. User feedback and telemetry - leveraging beta releases and understanding usage from a live application
Technologies covered: Visual Studio Team Services, Microsoft Azure, Xamarin Test Cloud, Eclipse Che and Codenvy, HockeyApp