Oliver Hock
From Videa Project Services GmbH
Since the 90s I have worked as Software Developer in the field of Java. Today, I act as Project Manager for various teams and different projects. Modularization of heterogenic systems, orchestrate Web- and Micro Services using BPMN is part of my experience. Banks, Insurance and Logistics are my main business sections.
I contribute to the Java User Group Hamburg and lead computer workshops for kids with Kids4IT, Devoxx4Kids and Co.

How to walk a process - Controlling LEGO MINDSTORMS using BPMN
Workflows belong to our day-to-day business like LEGO to our childhood. Lacking though in many companies are appropriate transparency and reusability of these workflows. The "Business Process Modeling Notation" (BPMN) can eliminate these shortcomings and business departments and software technology are converging. In addition, the business world is visualized over different locations. The result consists of diagrams that serve as documentation for business and basis of process automation in IT. Contrary to these aspects, the practical learning with LEGO Mindstorms comes along. A small robot is assembled in varied forms, fed with a Java API and controlled by external software. Serial and parallel individual steps awaken our mobile friend to life. In this presentation, the arc between processes and robots is tensioned. Movements are defined with BPMN2, which are automated by means of a "Business Process Engine". The modeling approach including BPMN basics, structuring processes, and motor and sensory functions are illustrated during a live demo. All in all a hot topic that certainly delights programmers and inventors, professionals and inexperienced, as well as adults and children.