Piotr Betkier
From Allegro
Passionate Software Engineer with interest in distributed systems. Strong supporter of continuous integration and delivery, proponent of the Unix philosophy of focused, composable tools. Currently develops Allegro – the largest e-commerce platform in Poland – by building internal libraries and technical services for the microservices-based architecture.

Building common libraries and not failing at it
Common libraries. Almost every company makes them. Why do they often end up hated for becoming hard to maintain garbage? Does it have to be this way? Can we do better?
In this talk we'll explore various models of providing shared code for an organization and their consequences. We'll also dive into the art of designing and developing libraries – keeping them powerful and easy to use despite constant changes in requirements. We'll cover API design, handling of dependencies, deciding on features, structuring the tools ecosystem and much more. All this coming from experience (and mistakes) of building tools for the microservices infrastructure at Allegro.
I hope to leave you with practical knowledge essential for building successful tools – both for growing internal commons ecosystems and for creating useful open-source projects.