Tom Bujok
From Hazelcast
Software Engineer @ Hazelcast. For the last couple of years Tom has been working on numerous assignments fulfilling a range of roles, particularly dealing with design and development of small to large scale systems, mostly on the JVM. Tom is an enthusiastic open source contributor and the founder of a couple of open-source projects (babun, p2-maven-plugin, soap-ws). Finally, he is very keen on tutoring, presenting and live coding, especially in a non-fluffy way.
Blog: www.reficio.org

Scale your application out!
I'm sure you've heard the term "horizontal scaling". What does it mean and why there's so much buzz about it?
This session will try to explain it as well as identify the biggest challenges that are awaiting us in the world of data processing and its scalability. On the example of Hazelcast and its most popular features we will try to tackle the above-mentioned challenges right away.
We will also have a closer look at the data structures offered by Hazelcast, their programming models and learn how to properly use them in our daily work in order to scale our apps out!