CNU-7065 Accurest - throw away your integration tests | Devoxx

Accurest - throw away your integration tests


archisec Architecture, Performance and Security Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 2

Friday at 12:30 - 12:45

Integration tests are hard especially in distributed environments where many applications talk to each other. When we add continuous deployment approach it's becoming impossible to ensure two independently deployed services will integrate properly. Fortunately there is the Accurest. Tool that verifies contracts based on HTTP calls or messaging without integrating real applications. During this talk we'll show how to validate communication between services as a part of deployment pipeline without deploying even single application.

Jakub Kubrynski Jakub Kubrynski

Jakub is a software developer for whom coding is a way of life as well as a hobby.

He is focused on continuously improving software delivery processes by introducing new technologies and refining Lean methodologies.

For over 12 years of his professional career, he worked as a software developer, architect, team leader, and manager. He gained experience working on both sides of the delivery process, as a vendor and as a client. Today, he is speaker, trainer, and CEO of two startups:, an agile software house, and the online technical assessment platform, After hours active open-source contributor.

Marcin Grzejszczak Marcin Grzejszczak

Open source contributor e.g Rest-assured, Mockito, Groovy. Co-author of Micro Infra Spring and Accurest. Author of Mockito books. Making Spring Cloud @Pivotal