CYA-1414 Scaling engineering at LinkedIn California | Devoxx

Scaling engineering at LinkedIn California


agTest Methodology & Culture Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 3

Friday at 14:30 - 15:20

Since 2011 I was helping scaling LinkedIn engineering to achieve:

  • 3x3 continuous delivery - 3 releases a day, 3 hours max time between commit to production
  • delightful engineering experience with different languages and technology stacks
  • automated cross testing between software components that live in thousands of separate code repositories

And more! Join us and listen how LinkedIn tools team makes engineering at scale delightful.

Szczepan Faber Szczepan Faber

Obsessed with software quality (via tests!!!) and automation (via Gradle!!!). Founder of Core engineer of Gradle 1.x and 2.x (I miss you!). Ex-Thoughtworks UK. Lead of dev tools & craftsmanship at LinkedIn, California. Programmer & coach.

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