FAB-3613 Preconditions for good code review | Devoxx

Preconditions for good code review


agTest Methodology & Culture Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 5

Thursday at 12:30 - 12:45

In my work as a consultant I often meat teams that try to embrace the practice of code review. In most cases they treat it in the same way as children treat they daily spoon of cod-liver oil, don't like it but force themselves because they know it is good for them. But does it have to be so hard? To figure it out I will show you some common problems teams are struggling with and what are some preconditions that need to be meet in order to eliminate them.

Łukasz Szydło Łukasz Szydło

Passionate programmer; fan of software craftsmanship and agility; tries to have holistic approach to software; likes simple solutions to complicated problems. Trainer at Bottega IT Solutions specializing in Software Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, Continuous Delivery and Java. Father of five. Likes reading good books.