FGE-4809 Continuos Delivery with Kubernetes @Sky | Devoxx

Continuos Delivery with Kubernetes @Sky


cloud Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 3

Friday at 09:00 - 09:50

The talk is based on what we currently use in Sky to build and deliver one of our platforms.

It covers the following topics:

  • Problems we are trying to solve
  • Design a deployment pipeline that can scale
  • Generate automatically different kinds of pipelines
  • Leverage Kubernetes for a flexible deployment model
  • Achieve continuous delivery

The demo will show you what it takes to spin up a new application on our platform and get it to production.

Adriana Vasiu Adriana Vasiu

I am a software engineer agonistic in terms of languages and with varied technical experience. Writing code is just a part of my job, there is so much more in between coding and getting an application performing well in production. Contributing to deployment pipelines, infrastructure and tooling is an essential part of what I like doing.