KSG-1056 Reactive Fault Tolerant Programing with Hystrix and RxJava | Devoxx

Reactive Fault Tolerant Programing with Hystrix and RxJava


java Java, JVM, Java SE/EE Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 2

Wednesday at 17:40 - 18:30

As we build distributed systems composed of microservices, we introduce new potential performance problems and failure points. As the number of nodes in our system increases, these problems rapidly amplify. In order to keep our composite systems responsive, we can apply the techniques of reactive programming. In order to keep our composite systems healthy, we can apply fault tolerance patterns like circuit breakers and bulkheads.

In this presentation we’ll examine how to leverage two popular libraries from Netflix, Hystrix and RxJava, to create reactive and fault tolerant systems.

Matt Stine Matt Stine

Matt Stine is a Technical Product Manager at Pivotal. He is a 16 year veteran of the enterprise IT industry, with experience spanning numerous business domains. Matt is obsessed with the idea that enterprise IT “doesn’t have to suck,” and spends much of his time thinking about lean/agile software development methodologies, DevOps, architectural principles/patterns/practices, and programming paradigms, in an attempt to find the perfect storm of techniques that will allow corporate IT departments to not only function like startup companies, but also create software that delights users while maintaining a high degree of conceptual integrity. He currently specializes in helping customers achieve success with cloud native architectures.