Sputnik CI - kill all bugs ;)
Architecture, Performance and Security
Room 4
Thursday at 12:30 - 12:45 |
Sputnik.ci checks quality of contributions to GitHub projects saving developers time. It supports Java, Groovy and Scala projects build with Maven or Gradle.
It runs static code analyzers like Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs, Scalastyle, CodeNarc, JSLint.
On every pull-request Sputnik initiates analysis of code that has been changed. If any Sputnik rule is violated you should expect to see comments in GitHub or in Sputnik. We’re working on adding support for other languages (Python, Swift) and repository hosting services.
Bartek Zdanowski
I'm Java dev. since 2006. Currently I work as a senior java developer at TouK, Poland.
I'm former Warsaw JUG leader, former member of Warsjawa Conference committee, co-creator of and currently involved in Confitura conference.
Piotr Jagielski
senior developer at @TouK_pl, #clojure and @Overtone enthusiast, @SputnikCI evangelist