OXF-0346 Breaking the Limits of the Web | Devoxx

Breaking the Limits of the Web


web Web, HTML5 and UX Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 2

Friday at 14:30 - 15:20

The web platform has evolved a lot in the last few years thanks to mobile devices. However not everyone is updated with the latest specs, meta tags, CSS additions, hacks and JavaScript APIs. In this video we will cover several practical examples of what you can do today for your users today, mostly on mobile browsers, that you might now know.

More than 15 hacks that will surprise you on mobile browsers, such as Safari on iOS, Chrome for Android, Samsung Browser, IE and Edge on Windows. Quickly, we will go though the problem, the code and the live demo of the feature working on a real device; you will also be able to test them live directly on your device.

The list of examples covered includes: * Push Notifications * High Resolution Canvas * Streaming content to Apple TV and Google Cast * Latest APIs for hardware access and sensors * CSS Scroll Snapping & other additions * Using Web Speech and Synthesis APIs * Detecting 3D Touch and other pointer mechanisms * Responsive Images, formats and animations * Lock the screen orientation

Maximiliano Firtman Maximiliano Firtman

Max Firtman (@firt) is a mobile + web developer, trainer, speaker, and writer. He has written many books, including Programming the Mobile Web and High Performance Mobile Web published by O’Reilly Media. He is a frequent speaker at conferences worldwide and he has been widely recognized for his work in the mobile-web community by Adobe, Microsoft, Nokia, BlackBerry, and more. He teaches mobile, HTML5 and performance trainings for top companies around the world.