TRX-7248 Pragmatic Architecture | Devoxx

Pragmatic Architecture


archisec Architecture, Performance and Security Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 1

Friday at 15:50 - 16:50

Ever wondered what a software architect is? Or what a software architecture is? Ever wondered what a software architect does? Even if you are one? In this session, we'll explore what software architecture is, what a software architect does, and why it seems nobody seems to "get" what software is like.

Ted Neward Ted Neward

Ted is the CTO of iTrellis, an IT full-lifecycle management and custom software development shop located in Seattle, WA. He's spent quality time on several different platforms, starting with DOS 3.3 and Windows 3.0, all the way up through the JVM, .NET, NodeJS, Android, iOS, and a few others along the way. He's a programming language aficionado, having written production code in ten different languages, and experiments/prototypes/spikes in a dozen more. He resides in Seattle with his wife, two sons, two pets, four desktops, eight laptops, ten mobile devices, and a rather scary electricity bill.