YGN-3260 Functional data structures with Java 8 | Devoxx

Functional data structures with Java 8


java Java, JVM, Java SE/EE Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 1

Thursday at 14:30 - 15:20

Developers know and love data structures. Applications are often full of maps, trees, heaps, queues and much more. And we rarely bother to look under the hood to understand the tradeoffs between each of the data structures.

We'll briefly discuss what makes data structures persistent, and why making persistent data structures perform well is a challenging task to do well. You'll understand what amortized performance is, and how lazy evaluation can turn the tables on performance, making persistent data structures fast again.

We'll look at several purely functional data structures implemented in Java 8 and will discuss why are they efficient and when you maybe want to prefer these to the data structure built-in into the JDK. By attending this session you'll feel more comfortable with functional data structures and will be more likely to succeed using functional programming for problems that involve data crunching in future.

Oleg Šelajev Oleg Šelajev

Oleg is a Java developer, Evangelist and RebelLabs editor at ZeroTurnaround, with a focus on Continuous Delivery and Devops. He also enjoys spending time using Clojure, Github and Google docs. He is currently studying for a PhD on dynamic system updates and process migration and is a part-time teacher at the University of Tartu. As a technical writer for RebelLabs, Oleg regularly provides content for blogs and popular reports. In his free time he plays chess at a semi-grandmaster level, loves puzzles and solving problems. He is a geek but loves to hang out with people.