YVZ-0070 Highway to heaven - Building microservices in the cloud | Devoxx

Highway to heaven - Building microservices in the cloud


cloud Cloud, Containers & Infrastructure Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 2

Friday at 11:30 - 12:20

Fed up with stop and go in your data center? Why not shift into overdrive and pull into the fast lane? Learn how AutoScout24 are building their Autobahn in the cloud to become the market leader in Europe's vehicle classified business.

Reinventing themselves by making a radical transition from monoliths to microservices, from .NET on Windows to Scala on Linux, from data center to AWS and from built by devs and run by ops to a devops mindset.

While the current stack keeps running, ever more microservices will go live as you listen to stories from the trenches.

Key takeaways from this talk include: How to... * become cloud native * evolve the architecture * create “you build it you run it” teams * involve business people in the transformation

Wolf Schlegel Wolf Schlegel

Wolf is a professionally qualified software engineer with over 20 years of international consulting experience. He has worked throughout the software lifecycle as a developer, software systems architect, team lead, business analyst and enterprise IT architect delivering major software systems. Wolf works for ThoughtWorks Germany and helps teams delivering working software.

His primary professional interests are microservices, cloud, continuous delivery and devops, software architecture, agile enablement and humanitarian software. Wolf also enjoys playing ukulele and the game of go.