GLY-3739 Reverse engineering the clean code | Devoxx

Reverse engineering the clean code


agTest Methodology & Culture Click here to save this talk in your agenda

Room 3

Thursday at 12:30 - 12:45

This might be the psychology basic for developers… starting with the design 101; take some design principles and show how they are reflected in code.

Kuba Marchwicki Kuba Marchwicki

Jakub has been around software development for past 10 years, wearing multiple hats, getting hands dirty in multiple environments, securing both technical as well as the business side of The Thing. “An engineer with a human friendly interface?”. Some languages, some frameworks, blah blah blah - doesn’t matter. Architect, programmer, manager, technical trainer, tech lead, wannabe entrepreneur, JUG member. There is a fair chance he does non of those those right.